Our very first cache! I as the Monkey half of JDogMonkey decided I wanted to plant a cache that journeys through parts of Goulburn that are not only significate to me but also represent Goulburn. This multi has 9 locations total. Each cache should be easy enough to get.
You start your journey at Victoria Park where you will find your first set of hints in a tree near the dog run to the next location. Each location will have a hint and a set of numbers. The hints will guide you to the next waypoint location while the numbers should be written down and used when all 8 waypoint have been found to get the coordinates for the 9th and final cache. Your clue to the coordinates is as follows:
1+4+6+8 = S
2+3+5+7 = E
Good luck and Enjoy!
Note: I need to fix a few caches so if your having trouble let me know and I will point you in the right direcction.