< Information Office of Magome-juku >
Tourist Information Office is located in the middle of Magome-juku, across from Shimazaki-Toson Memorial Museum. Useful information of Magome-juku and Tsumago-juku is available here for sightseers.
Refer to Shin.jp's cache "Magomejuku" for details as to Magome-juku and the Nakasendo Road.
Refer to another cache "Magome-juku: Parking Lots" for the information of parking and public transportation.
As of February, 2016, the following services are available:
- locker
- toilet
- Free Wi-Fi (SSID: DoSPOT-FREE)
- luggage-delivery to Tsumago-juku (once a day in the morning, 500 JPY, from March till November)
- Certificate of your complete walk between Magome and Tsumago (200 JPY)
Open: 8:30AM~5:00PM
Ask the latest information at Magome Sightseeing Asscoaition.
< The cache >
The cache is located along the road behind (=southeast of) the Tourist Information Office building .
It contains only a log sheet. Bring a pen with you.
-- Japanese --
馬籠宿と中山道については、Shin.jp さんのキャッシュ "Magomejuku" のページに詳述されていますので、ご参照ください。
駐車場と公共交通機関の情報については、別キャッシュ "Magome-juku: Parking Lots" のページに記載していますので、ご参照ください。
- コインロッカー
- トイレ
- フリーWi-Fi (SSID: DoSPOT-FREE)
- 妻籠宿までの荷物運搬(午前中に1日1便、500円、3月末~11月末)
- 馬籠~妻籠間の完歩証明書の発行(200円)
営業時間: 8:30~17:00