The Matarawa Stream is a small stream which runs through Kowhai Park and Whanganui East, during times of flood it is known to swell considerabley and is the source of flood damage to neighbouring dwellings.
Try your hand at whitebaiting and see if you can catch enough to make some delicious whitebait fritters for tonight's dinner.
Rare freshwater mussels can still be found in the stream, along with an abundance of whitebait.
Despite its length not much knowlage seems to be available for this stream, the lookout it self was formed after significant damage was done to the road itself in 2012.
Repairing damage to a section of Ikitara Rd in Wanganui East has meant massive excavations to give the rebuild a firm footing. Part of the footpath and road above the Matarawa Stream was washed out by floodwaters when a weather bomb hit the city in March 2012. Wanganui District Council had to get resource consent from Horizons Regional Council because the stream is a designated breeding ground for whitebait. ID Loader won the contract for the $200,000 job and that includes clearing the site along with the bank which had failed, earthworks, rock protection for the Matarawa Stream, construction of an earth-reinforced retaining wall as well as renewing the footpath, kerbing and roading above the bank.
FTF goes to rattll.
Logging Etiquette: Geocache hiders go through a great deal of planning to place their caches. As a result, we like to hear your feedback on whether you liked or disliked any aspect of the hide, or if you feel that some cache maintenance is required. Single word, acronym, or emoticon logs may be easier when you have a lot of caches to log, but it doesn't tell us or other finders anything about your adventure (or lack thereof) in finding the cache. Please keep this in mind when entering your log. Also please log if you DNF, as it will assist to gauge the difficulty rating.
Parking: side of the road should be ok, its not a heavy traffic area
Activity: Seems quiet but joggers/walkers and cars appear out of nowhere
Children Friendly: yes, but as near road, keep an eye on them.
Dog Friendly: seems ok to bring doggie along, be sure to take their waste away.
Stroller Friendly: Lookout is on side walk, so yes
Wheelchair Friendly: yes, on sidewalk, and accessible.