If you are a person who regards a car as nothing more than an appliance to get you from A to B, or if you can’t wait for driverless cars to arrive, then you may struggle with the concept of a “driver’s road”. It’s one of those “If you have to ask, you wouldn’t understand” things.
A drive (or ride) taking in this section of road as well as SH85 (The Pigroot – Palmerston to Kyeburn) and SH1 (Dunedin to Palmerston) is popular with Dunedin-based enthusiasts.
The road can be badly affected by snow and ice in winter. Check for closure notices and warnings.
The cache is a park and grab at a spot with a convenient area to pull well off the road. It also happens to be the only spot where I have ever seen the constabulary on this road.
Small snaplock, BYOP, please ensure it is well covered by long grass.
If you think there is a better “driver’s road” in Otago then tell us about it in your log.