New Zealand is full of wonderful beaches and we all love going there. This cache gives you the excuse to experience Paekakariki Beach. The cache is hidden close to the virtual coordinates. Just gather the information available in the area of the virtual coordinates and make your way to the cache. Please take care to avoid damaging any plants and keep the cache well covered so it doesn't get muggled. Some stealth will be needed on busy days in summer or on weekends.
To find the cache just answer the following easy questions:
A = Subtract date in December that horses are not allowed on beach from time dogs must be on leash(xx am)
B = In the Paekakariki Beach Key section, what is the number of dogs plus the number of horses in the symbols? (add these together)
C = Second digit of fine for not removing dog poo
D = There are two words to the right of the boat symbol. Total up the number of letters in those two words
W = On the winter beach access map how many horse symbols are there x2
X = In the lower section of the sign is a Maori saying. How many letters are there in the second Maori word of this saying?
Y = In the blue and white sign on the Fence (i.e. its not on the main sign), how many letters in the last word (count all letters, even if they repeat)?
Z = In the 0800 number listed to report damage, what is the second to last digit?
Checksum = 45
South 40 5A.BCD, East 174 5W.XYZ