The cache isn't at the published co ordinates.
The cache is located at:
South 39° 55.8A4
East B75° 03.3C6
A= The 3rd number in the length of the Whanganui River.
B= Where does the Whanganui River rank in terms of longest navigable rivers in NZ?
C= The amount of letters in the Mountain where the Whanganui River starts at.
Please be wary that this can be a very busy location with plenty of people enjoying the walkway and passing traffic can see your every move. Please use extreme stealth. The longevity of this cache will very much depend on your stealth.
Please take a moment to ensure the cache is properly secured.
Have fun and good luck!
Logging Etiquette: Geocache hiders sometimes go through a great deal of planning to place their caches. As a result, they'd like to hear your feedback on whether you liked or disliked any aspect of the hide, or if you feel that some cache maintenance is required. Single word, acronym, or emoticon logs may be easier when you have a lot of caches to log, but it doesn't tell the hider or other finders anything about your adventure (or lack thereof) in finding the cache. Please keep this in mind when entering your log. TFTC logs will be deleted.