Lolly Scramble: Cola Bottles (Canterbury) Traditional Cache
Lolly Scramble: Cola Bottles (Canterbury)
Size:  (other)
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M&M's LoLLY ScRaMbLe
We've been back to the lolly shop!
A Lolly Scramble is a common Kiwi and Australian phrase which refers to the act where a mixture of lollies (candies) are scattered and children scramble to get their share. We think we’ve put out a good selection of favourites and are sure you’ll find something you like in M&M's lolly scramble.
So… grab your GPSr, friends and a pen, and come and get your share!
Cola Bottles:
These are almost as popular as the drink!
Cola bottle lollies are gummi sweets in the shape of the bottle of that very popular drink with a cola flavor. If you're not into the "sweet" ones perhaps these sour-sugar coated ones will appeal. They made me pucker but other family members loved them.
Additional Hints
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