10:30pm (Bay of Plenty) Traditional Cache
Wingnut Rocks: Letting this go as people keep vandalizing it. Some one is welcome to take it over if they wish.
Size:  (large)
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Well me and Teeny Tina poped up here on a clear night at aobut 10:30pm....Can you guess what native animal we heard calling? I guess you will just have to come up on a fine evening and find out your self....
Look for a bucket....Please re-hide it well....Oh, and when you pop the lid push the orange tummy.... :-)
Cache was placed with my trusty Garmin Etrex 20
Pencil and Book in Bucket.
Bring a teddy bear to swap....
Additional Hints
Vs lbh ner ng gur ybbxbhg lbh ner va gur evtug fcbg. Gur fgnvef gung tb qbja. Zbir gb gur yrsg.