Keotsveldts Corner Traditional Cache
Gonefishen07: Time has come
Size:  (micro)
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Can drive to and park off the road.
This cache brings you to a new bus stop opposite an old Country primary school.
Ironically when the school was in operation the bus stop was not there.
The school was closed down like many others in the country and resulted in kids having to travel to Wonthaggi to attend school.I was at the school 15 or 20 years after it closed and was supprised to see all the students and the teachers names and signatures were still on the chalk board.
It has been owned privatly for many years now so i wonder if the names are still there.
You are looking for a micro that is camoed pretty well so byo pen.
Congratulations to Gonefishen07 for ***FTF***
Additional Hints
Nf Xrezvg gur sebt jbhyq fnl
Vgf abg rnfl orvat " _ _ _ _ _ "