Flaxy Lake Cache (Rotorua) Traditional Cache
Geckoh: New Year's clean up time.
Flaxy Lake Cache (Rotorua)
Size:  (small)
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Flaxy Lake.
A quickstop cache
while driving around the Lakes, this one is a big pill capsule
container (screw top) as per picture above.
Yes it is in the Flax bush but hopefully an easy find, when placed
it was wedged in on the north side of the flax bush, there is
another spoiler pic included below, so when replacing please return
to the same spot!!
It is wedged about half a metre up from the base of the bush to
allow for a high water level.
In the cache is also something else to scan, please do not remove
this from the cache.
Additional Hints
Abegu fvqr bs Synk