Undiscovered Series: A Not So Marblous Bridge Traditional Cache
PhoebeIrene: Time for this one to say goodbye. Between the "floods" and the local kids this has gone missing one too many times.
Undiscovered Series: A Not So Marblous Bridge
Size:  (small)
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A quaint old bridge that has seen better days.
This bridge used to run out to the wetlands but hasn't been used in a very long time, it's still got a useable footbridge running along the side.
To find the cache you won't have to climb over any fences. Please take a Marble to remember this bridge and it's wonderful surroundings, feel free to swap it with anything you wish.
This Cache is a 200ml Camo Sistema Container full of Marbles, a Logbook and a Small Pencil.
This Cache is one of the Undiscovered Series, a Series of caches planted in beautiful, quite or just places you proberly haven't been before.
Additional Hints
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