Secret Waterhole (Nelson/Marlborough) Traditional Cache
Southward4: I cannot give it the maintenance it needs.
Secret Waterhole (Nelson/Marlborough)
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A hard to find spot if you didn't have the GPS coords. A small path will lead you to a beautiful little swimming spot, especially for those who like jumping off rocks into crystal clear waters. The sandflies out here are pretty hungry so bring some 'protection' if you plan on staying a while.
Log book, pencil and sharpener are in a film canister, but the cache consists of more than this... as you will see. It is located a few metres off the small pathway to the swimming hole. Once you find the cache you will find that extracting the log requires some thought (No force required to get the log out).
There is space to park by the road just after you go over the bridge.
Kudos to anyone who doesn't require the hints. Hint 1 will lead you to additional equipment to use in removing the log book canister. Hint 2 will pretty much spell out what is required. NOTE: Hints have been expanded after feedback from beltfamily.
Thanks to TeamEdgeos in Orange, Australia for the idea for this cache!
Additional Hints
Uvag 1:
Cynfgvp plyvaqevpny 'gerr'. Lbh jvyy arrq gur juvgr pbagnvare 1 zrger gb gur evtug, va ybat tenff.
Uvag 2:
Oynpx cvcr fghpx va gur tebhaq 5z bss gur cngu. Cbhe jngre va gur gbc.