McGreevy - Goodna bikeway - the beginning Traditional Cache
rogersclan13: Don't go out this way anymore
McGreevy - Goodna bikeway - the beginning
Size:  (micro)
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A nice easy cache, in what can sometimes be a busy area, though, if you pick your time right, the area can be totally deserted.
I have named this cache after Frank McGreevy, whose family has had a lot of infulence over this area. For many years, his brother leased land in the Pan Pacific Peace Gardens, Redbank Plains, and Goodna areas, when most of these areas were farmland.
Frank McGreevy was the founder of the Goodna RSL, which originally stood on the ground which now stands the Frank McGreevy Function Centre - Goodna RSL. The original building on this site was the Railway Hotel, which looked similiar to the Royal Mail down the road. The liquor licence was transferred to the Weeroona Hotel in the early 1960's, and the Railway Hotel was demolished and another building erected in it's place. After some time, this then became the Goodna RSL, until recent years when they erected a new building adjacent to the Goodna Railway Station. The old RSL was then demolished and the function center consequently built.
Frank McGreevy was a decorated soldier in World War 2, and after the war worked as a nurse in the Repatriation Section of Wolston Park Hospital - now known as The Park - Centre for Mental Health.
Franks picture is painted on the sound barrier near the Henry Ellerton Bridge - Ipswich bound service road, (near Bertha Street intersection), along with many other service personnel.
For more information you can check the following sites -
(visit link) and
(visit link)
Please leave the pen in the cache.
Additional Hints
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