This cache will take you to several points along a path from where you must gather information to get the coordinates for the final cache.
Start at the published coordinates then follow the path toward the sea. There are several signs along the way from which to gather information. Some signs have relevant information, some dont.
At coordinates S24 50.801 E152 28.602, turn right and continue along the minor path gathering information.
The information you need to gather is:
- Wetlands include marine water to a depth of A metres at low tide.
- Cotton trees grow up to 7 to X metres high. X-1 = C
- Tuckeroo is the host plant to B native species of butterfly.
- There are D shorebirds of concern living in this area.
The coordinates to the final cache are then: S24 50.BBC E152 28.DAA
In summer, some mosquito repellent would be a good idea for this one. And please bring your own pen. Enjoy the wander.