Fore! Corners Multi-Cache
Size:  (small)
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Grab that geo-hound, we're off again! - this time to find a small cache via a pleasant set of trails. The walk is just a shade over 1km, and close to 1.5 if you want to count the to-and-from-the geomobile if parked at the suggested coordinates. A tiny stroll, really!
At the posted coordinates, you will find a metal tag on the back of the equestrian trail sign. Remove the tag to see the numbers. Record these as ABCDEF and please return the tag to its original location.
Waypoint 2 can be found at:
35 1E.B7F
149 04.44C
At this waypoint, you will find a metal tag attached to the fence on a star picket. Read these numbers and record them as GHIJKLM.
Waypoint 3 can be found at:
35 1E.BDG
149 04.M8C
At this waypoint, you will find a metal tag attached to the fence, low, directly in line with the tree. Read these numbers and record them as NOPQRS.
The cache can be found at:
35 1F.RRF
149 0M.MSR
**FTF: Ratio**
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)