The lost Scrolls of the World (Un. Arab Emirates) Traditional Cache
The lost Scrolls of the World (Un. Arab Emirates)
Size:  (micro)
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The Lost Scrolls of the World (United Arab Emirates) is part of the
Team DBMSP Lost Scrolls of the World series. This series will take
you along the 80km Overland Track, through the heart of Tasmania.
The track can be hiked from Cradle Mountain to Lake StClair or in
the other direction at certain times of the year. Please visit for
more information about this hike.
This cache contains artifacts from the country United Arab Emirates
- a coin and a magical scroll on which the name of everyone who has
found it will appear magically (after you have written it). Please
bring your own writing device and be very careful when handling the
scrolls - they are old and fragile. Please also take care when
closing the container - it relies on your care to survive in this
remote spot.
Additional Hints
N sbbg bss gur tebhaq va n ebpx cvyr arkg gb gur uhg.