Common enough you may say, but wait....... this steam roller has
had "the treatment". This is an example of the lengths some
councils feel they have to go to, or are pressured to go to by
their insurance companies, to almost completely eliminate the
possibility that any of our little thrill seekers will do
themselves any damage.
I wonder if kids have any fun outside these days ?
The original cache was hidden in the surrounding structure, but
this machine tends to get saturated with school children at times,
and the little darlings were always managing to find and interfere
with the cache i.e they were smarter than I was. I didn't want to
archive the cache as it was a pretty popular one, so I have decided
to make it a multi with the cache hidden between 200 and 300 metres
away, hopefully safe from the little ... darlings.
At the final location just make sure you are unobserved by
muggles before you grab the cache. At times there may be a few
I have also taken the opportunity to incorporate a CHIRP into
the initial cache location to provide an opportunity for those
possessing access to this technology to give it a whirl. These
devices have only been available for a couple of weeks.
So, those possessing a GPS able to receive CHIRP signals need only
stand in the vicinity of the steps at the initial location to
receive further instructions from the CHIRP and obtain the final
location and a clue.
For the rest, here are some clues which will enable you to
calculate the final location.
1) On each rear wheel pf the steam roller, there are
a number of spokes.
How many spokes on each wheel? AB
2) On the right hand side of the steam roller you can see a worm
gear at the bottom of the steering rod and in front of the rear
How many cogs are there on the gear wheel driven by the worm ?
3) Above this worm gear assembly you can see a round plate with a
circle of rivets holding itto the boiler.
How many rivet heads can you see in the circle? EF
4) Moving along to the front roller, you can see a curved iron
guard on each side of the roller at axle height
On each guard there is a group of holes towards the front. How many
holes on each guard. G
M=A+B+C N=
E145° 0P.QRS