SURVIVOR: Outwit, Outlast, Outcache Mystery Cache
Crow T Robot: Is seems that there are numerous problems with this cache. Please contact me if this one is resolved. Thanks.
SURVIVOR: Outwit, Outlast, Outcache
Size:  (small)
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Difficulty is raised because of the puzzle involved.
6001201178735 9012 743 68643 8123 1707 87 743 880113 706871017.
4011 1171157 8123815 7415 6003 70 91611123 0117 11143123 17 15.
6000 711615; N 1101 Degrees er jiu.2C3 E 10010000 Degrees si qi.
119 7415 15 117578771173177 17111178312 71110. 4093 4011 57110130.
117 7415 117578771173177 4011 111177 7381217 8 901231617
7817611863, 8117 1 111177 1707 584 1114164 0173, 7487 11101170 83
700 3854. 401112 6003-81238151176 5151775 111177 83 735730 85
111377 85 1174 8817174 700 011711117 4011. 170 411775 111177 83
123734530 1117717 743 979 485 83317 706630. 7481715 4011 9012
97841176 1174 681173. 1 916111230 1 711117930 741201164 40095
4111771176 730981205, 593177 4011125 71241176 70 11177817673
111790551873 91122735 8170 311317 480 70 8123415 7415 6003 8 93111
7111735. 17 877 485 83317 117 6000 91117. 1 4093 4011 317704 7415.
6000 711615 979 6375 730 9785471647. CONGRATS TO JIMP59 FOR BEING
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bu ubj fbzr bs lbh jvyy abg or unccl jvgu zr jura guvf vf sbhaq. ohg vg vf nyy va tbbq sha evtug?HQNGRQ UVAG. Guvax bhgfvqr gur obk, V hfrq n pbzovangvba bs ahzoref, ynathntrf, naq cebtenzvat pbqrf sbe guvf. Ohg gurl ner nyy ernqvyl npprfvoyr, lbh znl unir gb guvax n yvggyr uneqre. Naq vs lbh gubhtug lbh jrer evtug naq fubj hc naq vg vf abg gurer, qb abg jbeel V qvq abg chg nal glcr bs urk ba lbh. Lbh jvyy svaq vg fbbare guna lbh guvax.