I-77, Exit 28 Quickie Traditional Cache
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Interstate 77 Exit 28 Ghent, WV
Take exit 28 from Interstate 77 in Ghent, West Virginia and find this cache at a parking area similar to those found at almost every exit. The cache is immediately off the interstate, accessible from the North or South and should be very quick. You need gas anyways and there are two stations within a quarter mile. You will be in Ghent, West Virginia, home to Winterplace ski resort which you can see south from this cache. Across the road, to the left, you can see one of the oldest homes in the area. It is white and has three columns and is called the Old Sweeny Farm. The cache is a clear gallon size plastic bottle and has been hid just enough to keep it safe from muggles. DO NOT cross any road, fence or guard rail, there is no need to. Please tighten the lid securely.
Replaced cache on 4-14-2009 The clear rubbermaid container is a little smaller. The original contents include several small bottles from the 1930's through 1940's, all found in the area around old house locations.
Replaced Container again on 9-17-09, it is a 1 quart container this time and to begin with it contains several small antique bottles (all found nearby), an antique zinc canning lid with porcelain liner, a Super Bowl highlight DVD and other small items.
Additional Hints
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