Bright township has a number of interesting short walks close to
the town centre and this will show you one of them. You don’t
have to do the whole walk.
At the published coordinates you will find a large sign with a
bit of interesting history on it. You will need the following
information -
The Length of the Return Walk X 2 = A
The Year the name was changed - 186B
The year 200 miners were camped - 185C
The number of letters in the town’s previous name
………. Creek (ignore the Creek bit) = D
The cache can be found about 400 metres away at
S36°43.ABC E146°57.BDD
It does not matter much which side of the river you follow as
there is a bridge not far from the cache. The walk there is well
worth doing, as is the rest of the walk should you wish to. It is
all on well-formed track.
The cache is a small clip-top container, with the usual
Enjoy the stroll.