Zapomenuté jezírko / Forgotten lake Traditional Cache
Zapomenuté jezírko / Forgotten lake
Size:  (small)
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Jezirko je opravdu zapomenute a to hlavne kartografy. Svoji velikosti by urcite zaslouzilo byt i na mape mene podrobne nez je turisticka 1 ku 50.000. A ani tam neni. Cestou lesem vam bude vypadavat signal, tak nespolehejte jen na techniku a ridte se i selskym rozumem.
Doplneno v r. 2010.
Jezirko je jiz na "novejsich" mapach k nalezeni, ale menit nazev cache uz nebudu... :-)
The lake is truly forgotten, mainly by cartographers. Its size would certainly deserved to be on the map is less detailed than the Tourist 1 to 50,000. And even there. Way through the woods you will be shedding signal, and not rely just on technology and follow the common sense.
Additional Hints
an wrmreh wr arwqhyrmvgrwfv uenm
qnz ba gur ynxr vf zbfg vzcbegnag