Vrso: Ahoj,
je mi to luto ale riesite to uz pridlho. Cache posielam do archivu. Ked to doriesite a cache bude pripravena na enable, napis mi a rad ju z archivu vyberiem.
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Pocas druhej svetovej vojny sa tu nachádzala nemecká municná fabrika. Z dôvodu maskovania a nebezpecenstva výbuchu bola ciastocne zahlbená do zeme. Dnes ostali už len prepojovacie chodby, ktoré spájali jednotlivé kobky - sektory. Preto toto miesto domáci volajú "tunely". Ked ale Nemecká armáda musela miesto opustit, nieco si tu vojaci schovali. Aby to neskôr našli, poznacili si súradnice na stenu jedného z tunelov (nájdete tu aj iné císlo, ktoré sa vám zíde). Lenže casom niektoré císla zmizli. Ak sa vám podarí ich doplnit, dovedú vás k miestu, kde je dnes pamatnik. Ale jeden vojak sa este stihol vratit a poklad presunul niekolko metrov na vychod. Skrýsa - plechový ammobox - neobsahuje ziadne ostré strelivo a trhaviny! Nic take sem ani nedávajte! Uprednostnujte výmenu alebo výber prázdnych nábojníc. Pri hladaní budete potrebovat SVIETIDLO!
Here was German military factory during second world war. The factory was half deep-etch for danger of explosion and camouflage. There are only junction tunnels today. They were connected separate sectors. When German soldiers had to depart this area they hidden here something. That they will find it later they wrote coordinates on wall one of tunnels (you will find here other number too, you will need it later). However, some arealready losen. If you will manage complete them right they send you to place where is memorial today. However, some soldier caught to return and moved treasure several meters to east. The cache - tinny ammobox- is not containing any season crack or true cartiges! Do not insert here anything like this! You should to prefer trading of empty cartriges. You will need for hunting LIGHT!
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Decryption Key
A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M ------------------------- N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z
(letter above equals below, and vice versa)
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