Frymburk Traditional Cache
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Cache muzete ulovit pri prochazce krizovou cestou z Frymburku na kopec Marta (po zlute znacce od mostu) . Cache naleznete na vyse uvedenych souradnicich. Prosim, budte setrni k prirode a radsi si prectete napovedu! Vyhled: N 48°39,445 E 014°10,582 This cache you can find walking on a hill Marta from Frymburk (Follow the yellow mark from the bridge). Cache find on the coordinating mention above. Please be kind to the nature and read a hint. View: N48°39,445 E014°10,582 Krizova cesta Krizova cesta na kopec Marta byla puvodne vybudovana roku 1894. Po roce 1950 musela dolni cast ustoupit vystavbe nove silnice. V letech 1999-2000 byla krizova cesta obnovena. Zastaveni II.-XIII. jsou puvodni, I. a XIV. jsou nova, rovnez všechny krize a obrazy. Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross were originally built in 1894. But after 1950 the low part of this route was rebuilt into the new highway. In the year 1999-2000 was stations of the cross rebuilt. Stations II.-XIII. are original, I. and XIV are new also all crosses and pictures. Historie obce : Prvni pisemna zminka o Frymburku je z roku 1277. Puvodni nalezel panum z Krumlova a po roce 1302 Rozmberkum. Puvodni trhove mestecko s platenickou tradici z konce 13. stoleti lezelo na obchodni stezce z Horniho Rakouska do Cech. Rozmberkove zridili u mostu pres Vltavu myto zminovane jiz roku 1305. Mesteckem je od roku 1379. Roku 1492 propujcil Petr Vok z Rozmberka mestské pravo, podle nijz bylo obyvatelstvo Frymburku osvobozeno od odumrti. Vilem z Rozmberka udelil nestanuj pravo varit pivo. Cisar Frantisek II. potvrdil Frymburku privilegium, ve kterem se pravi, ze jiz cisar Josef II. dne 28.4.1789 dal mestu tydenni trh na kazde utery a vyrocni trh (jarmark) na den svate Anny. Cast obce zatopena pri budovani lipenskeho peehradniho jezera. Dnes je Frymburk navstevovan prevazne turisty, kteri hledaji hezke koupani a odpocinek. Town History : The first written mention about Frymburk is from 1277. Originally belonged to Lords of Krumlov and after 1302 to Rosenbergs. It is town from 1379. The town was originally a market village from the late 13th century on the trade route from upper Austria to Bohemia. The Rosenbergs established a toll-road at the bridge across the Vltava River which was already mentioned in 1305. Declared a town in 1379. In 1492 Peter Wok von Rosenberg granted the town certain rights which freed the citizentry from serfdom. Right to brew beer granted by Wilhelm von Rosenberg Emperor Franz II confirmed Frymburk's privilege which had been granted by Emperor Josef II on 28 April 1789, allowing the town a weekly Tuesday market as well as a Christmas market (Jarmark) on St. Ann's day. Part of the town was flooded during the construction of Lake Lipno.
Additional Hints
An xenwv yrfn ebfgrzr, wfzr gev wrqra gyhfgl, qehul fgvuyrwfv n arwfgvuyrwfv hcebfgerq. H anfvpu xberah cbxynq fr anyrmn. / Jr tebj ba gur rqtr bs gur sberfg, jr ner guerr -sng, guvaare naq gur guvaarfg va gur zvqqyr. Ebbgf