Rozhledna na Vratenske hore u
Puvodni drevena vez z roku 1893, pocitacem vytvorena studie nove
rozhledny a skutecnost (na snimku ze zari 1999)
Obrovsky rozmach
turistiky na konci 19. stoleti s sebou prinesl i vystavbu
nebyvaleho mnozstvi vyhlidkovych staveb. Behem let 1890-1899 bylo v
ceskych zemich postaveno temer padesat rozhleden. Je to k nevire,
ale o sto let pozdeji se situace jakoby opakuje. Vysledkem novodobe
rozhlednove horecky je jiz dvacata vyhlidkova vez vybudovana po
roce 1990. Ta nejmladsi se tyci na Vratenske hore, na hranici
ceskolipskeho a melnickeho okresu.
Lookout on Vratenska Mountain by Mseno town. The giant
expansion of turism in the end of 19th century brought a building
of unprecedented number of sightseeing constructions. In the years
1890-1899 there were built about fifty outlook-towers in the Czech
countries. It seems incredible that about one hundred years later
the situation repeated. A results of modern lookout boom were the
twentieth sightseeing towers built in the year 1990. The youngest
one towers above Vratenská Mountain, at territorial boundaries of
Ceska Lipa and Melnik shires.
Neni vsak prvni
stavbou na tomto 508 metru vysokem vrcholu vevodicim turisticky
vdecne krajine Kokorinska a Podbezdezi. Tou byla drevena vyhlidkova
vez zrizena v roce 1893 Okraslovacim spolkem pro Mseno a okoli.
Spolek nemel prilis penez, a proto rad vyuzil nabidku mesta, které
mu nabidlo vyslouzilou hasicskou vez. Clenove ji rozebrali, pomoci
konskych povozu prevezli pod horu a jednotlive dily rucne vynesli
na vrchol. Pod vedenim tesare Legnera ji tam znovu sestavili a
doplnili o pohodlne schodiste a ochrannou strisku. Dvoupatrova
rozhledna merila 12 m. Staral se o ni místní hajny, ktery rovnez
vybiral vstupne. („10 krejcaru za osobu, 5 za ditko, zdarma pro
cleny spolku a studujici", jak se muzeme docist ve starem
pruvodci.) S udrzbou rozhledny vsak byly velke starosti. Proto ji
spolek po nekolika letech provozu nabidl bohatsimu Klubu ceskych
turistu. Jeho vedeni si vsak nechtelo pridelavat problemy, a tak
vez zustala ponechana svemu osudu, ktery se zavrsil nekdy kolem
roku 1903.
But it wasn't the first construction on this 508 metres high
peak that dominantes the tourist thankful landscape of Kokorinsko
and Podbezdezi. That was a wooden outlook-tower founded in the year
1893 by Beautify society of Mseno town and its neighborhood. This
society didn't have money enouhg, so it took with pleasure an offer
of the town, to use a left-off fireman tower. The society members
took fireman the tower down, transported it under the mountain by
horse vehicles and component parts took up the peak. Under a
leadership of the carpenter Legner they completed it again and
supplemented it by comfortable staircase and protective marquise.
Double-decked outlook-tower was high only 12 metres. A local
warrener carried about it and obtained entrance money. („10
kreutzers per person, 5 per baby, free members of society and
students", as we can read in an old guidebook.) But there were a
lot of worries about an outlook-tower service. So the society
offered it to better situated Czech Tourist Club past only the few
days usage. A management of the Club didn´t want to add themselves
any worries and left the tower to its fate. And its fate was
definitely sealed about the year 1903.
Jeji obnovu si
vytklo za cil Sdruzeni obci Kokorinska (SOK), zalozene pocatkem 90.
let a zastupujici zajmy 19 okolnich vesnic a mest. Cesta od
myslenky k realizaci byla ovsem dlouha a uz vubec ne primocara.
Vedeni SOK se sice dohodlo s provozovatelem site mobilních telefonu
na spolecne investici, ale odmitlo jeho predstavu smerujici k
typizovane prihradove konstrukci. Vitezem nekolikrat opakovaneho
vyberoveho rizeni se nakonec stala cesko-rakouska firma, ktera
prisla se zajimavym navrhem plechem oplastene veze s atypickym
trojuhelnikovym pudorysem a se zastresenou vyhlidkovou plosinou.
Takovemu projektu mohla dat zelenou i Sprava Chranene krajinne
oblasti Kokorinsko. Prace na temer osmimilionove investicni akci
byla zahajena 6. cervence polozenim zakladniho kamene a dokoncena
behem necelych tri mesicu. Cela konstrukce, vcetne nosicu anten
meri 42 metru, pricemz vyhlidkova plosina se naleza ve 25
The Association of Kokorin Villages (SOK), was found in the
beginning of 90. years and represented the interests of 19
neighbouring villages and towns. It pointed out itself a recovery
of the outlook-tower. A way from an idea to a realization was of
course long and never straight motion. SOK agreed on a common
investment with an entrepreneur of phone net, but refused his idea
lead to a standardize truss construction. A selection procedure had
to be repeated a several times. A Czech-Austrian company, that
became finally a winner, find out an interesting project to built a
plate sheating tower with an atypism trianguloid platform and
roofed sightseeing platform. To that project could be given green
light by The Safekeeping of Protected Landscape Area of Kokorinsko.
Building operations at about 8 millions krowns complete plant
equipment were started in July the 6th by laying the foundation
stone and were completed during 3 monthes. All the construction,
including antennas supports measures 42 meters, whereas sightseeing
platform is situated in 25 meters.
Rozhled z nove
rozhledny, poprve otevrene ve svatecni den 28. rijna 1999, za
prizniveho pocasi obsahne az prekvapive velkou cast Cech: od
Bezdezu pres Prahu, Rip, kuzele Ceskeho stredohori, Luzicke hory,
siluetu Jestedu a dokonce i vzdalene vrcholky Krkonos.
The new outlook-tower was the first time opened in national
holiday 28. October 1999 in kindly weather. A wiew from it spans an
astonishing large part of Bohemia: from Bezdez mountain to Prague,
Rip mountain, cones of Czech Middlemountains, Luzicke mountains, a
contour of Jested mountain and even far tops of Krkonose
A jak se dostat na
Vratenskou horu? Automobiliste mohou vyuzit nove parkoviste zrizene
na okraji Libovic, prakticky jen nekolik desitek metru od
rozhledny. Pesi turisty dovede az na vrchol nove vyznacena odbocka
z modre znacky prochazejici Nosalovem.
And how to get on Vratenska mountain? Automobilists can used
a new car park opened at a boundary of Libovice village,
practically only a several tens of metres from outlook-tower. A
newly signalized turning of blue sign from Nosalov bring the
walking tourists till the peak.
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