[Next!] BP-2 (Bananas in Pyjamas 2) Traditional Cache
Next!: I can't get up there at the moment to locate the cache under all the new bark...seems its too hard to find now. So I'll archive it... if someone is up there and calls me on 0419330184 I can tell them where it is exactly and we can recover it... until then, sorry guys but I have to archive it.
[Next!] BP-2 (Bananas in Pyjamas 2)
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Something for everyone at this South-bound Hume Highway fun place –
Geo-spouse, Geo-kids and an easy Geo-Cache! Well kinda…really
depends on the Muggles.
You can fill up on fuel, food, drinks and a quick geo-cache fix at
S36° 26.427 E146°14.964.
You will need eyes in the back of your head as the area has
Muggles galore and they can come from different directions without
notice…having a lookout with you is worthwhile.
You can easily retrieve the small Sistema box and take it to a
nearby table to deal with it. There are only small swaps. At the
cache location be careful to replace the cache back in the
camoflaged object & secure the lid.
Also you can grab the other cache (GCVH21 – BP-1
(Bananas-in-Pyjamas 1) only a few hundred metres away when you are
on your return trip!
Additional Hints
Arne gnyy bireurnq yvtugf oruvaq fuehoorel oruvaq gur Zryobhear Fvta. Cynprq vafvqr n snyfr Jngrevat Grezvany.