1. Identifikujte objekt na satelitnim snimku (Google), ktery
se nachazi v obdelniku ABCD:
Try to identify the object on the satelite
picture (by Google), which is placed in the rectangular
A(N49°13´30,00", E016°25´00,00")
B(N49°13´30,00", E016°34´00,00")
C(N49°17´00,00", E016°34´00,00")
D(N49°17´00,00", E016°25´00,00").
2. V terenu(!!) zjistete souradnice JV rohu
obvodove zidky (N1,E1) ve tvaru:
In the nature (!!)try to find the
coords of the SE corner of the outside wall (N1,E1) in the
3. Cache je na souradnicich (N,E) dana azimutem a
vzdalenosti od (N1,E1):
The cache is placed on the coords (N,E) given
by the azimuth and distance from the (N1,E1):
(N,E)=(N1,E1) + ((HQG)°,(GR) m).