Washington History Challenge Mystery Cache
This cache has been locked, but it is available for viewing.
Washington History Challenge
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Do you believe in "Oldie but Goodie"?
Are you obsessed with caching?
Have you always wanted a 5/5 cache on your record?(see 6-19-07 note)
Do you want a challenge that skips those quickie micros?
Answering YES to any (or all) of these questions qualifies you for the newest Challenge cache:
The Washington History Challenge!
At this time there are 30 29 28 27 26 caches in Washington that were placed during the first year of Geocaching (5-3-00 to 5-3-01). The listed co-ords are the avarage of these caches, so they will not help you. The challenge is to find them all (hiders count as finders), then e-mail me and when I've is
a 4* difficulty and one is a 5* terrain, the actual cache is much easier, but I'm not saying by how verified the finds you'll get the co-ords of this cache. The D/T rating is because at least one of the caches much.
Only those who qualify can post finds for this cache, even if you find it with someone who does qualify.
6-19-07: New information shows that Banana Slugs & High Places was not placed during the first year. It was placed on July 19, 2001, the placed date was changed to March 4, 1979 (the date the plaque was placed), and then to 2001 - without the month/day being changed. The placed date has been changed on the page. So with this in mind, I'm removing it from the Challenge list. This will make the Challenge easier, as it was the only 5* difficulty cache.
8-7-07: Mountain Marsh (GC8) has been archived. So there are only 31 caches left in the Challenge. Found counts will be lower by one for those who have found it.
7-1-08: Carnation Tree Farm Treasure (GC546) has been archived. So there are only 30 caches left in the Challenge. Found counts will be lower by one for those who have found it.
4-21-09: Just to be clear, Carnation Tree Farm Treasure Returns (GC1EQAQ) is NOT a cache needed for the Challenge.
1-16-14: The Old Carty Place (GC4B6) has been archived. That leaves 28 caches in the Challenge. Found counts may change next Tuesday.
6-22-16: Scooby Doo's Sister Stash (GC589) has been archived. There's only 27 caches in the Challenge. Your found count may have changed.
8-7-19: Interurban Bike Cache (GC818) has been archived. So there's only 26 caches left in the Challenge. Your count may have changed.
Date |
Code |
Name |
5/28/2000 |
GC8 |
Mountain Marsh |
6/21/2000 |
Geocache |
10/7/2000 |
GC79 |
Iron Horse |
11/19/2000 |
Monte Cristo |
1/27/2001 |
GC1D8 |
She'll be coming |
2/9/2001 |
GC245 |
The Rookie |
2/11/2001 |
GC27B |
Green Mountain Cache |
2/13/2001 |
GC299 |
Valley View |
2/18/2001 |
GC333 |
Nick Nolte's Private Diary |
2/22/2001 |
GC33A |
2/24/2001 |
GC35E |
Yost Park |
2/25/2001 |
GC373 |
No Hitch-hikers |
2/27/2001 |
GC589 |
Scooby Doo's Sister Stash |
2/28/2001 |
GC3A3 |
Skagit Delta Labyrinth |
3/16/2001 |
Burrows Channel Cache |
3/17/2001 |
GC4B6 |
The Old Carty Place |
3/17/2001 |
GC4B3 |
Tie Mill |
3/18/2001 |
3/20/2001 |
GC505 |
Old MacDonald |
3/24/2001 |
GC750 |
Got Fire? Otter Falls |
3/24/2001 |
GC546 |
Carnation Tree Farm Treasure |
3/24/2001 |
GC541 |
SiHi |
4/1/2001 |
GC5D4 |
Cash mirror |
4/6/2001 |
GC617 |
An Innocent Love of Geocaching |
4/11/2001 |
GC6E5 |
Juniper Dunes |
4/11/2001 |
GC66F |
...and a whimper |
4/14/2001 |
Ewok Forest |
4/15/2001 |
GC6E4 |
The other side of the Falls |
4/21/2001 |
GC776 |
The Green Beret Hide Site (What, are you scared??) |
4/28/2001 |
GC818 |
Interurban Bike Cache |
4/29/2001 |
GC838 |
5/3/2001 |
GC99C |
coyote lookout |
If the number of first-year caches drops (due to archiving) to less than 20 this cache will also be archived.
Cachers completing the Challenge
Name |
Qualified |
Found |
ruck |
6/23/07 |
6/24/07 |
hydnsek |
6/23/07 |
6/24/07 |
FTF! |
lucyandrickie |
7/01/07 |
7/04/07 |
OldBaldEagle |
8/17/07 |
8/18/07 |
k7-wave |
10/5/07 |
10/8/07 |
Prying Pandora |
10/10/07 |
10/11/07 |
rocketglider |
08/03/08 |
08/04/08 |
JustMike |
02/01/09 |
02/03/09 |
GrnXnham |
08/09/09 |
08/10/09 |
Scouting4Ever |
12/31/09 |
01/01/10 |
Logan_six |
2/8/10 |
2/9/10 |
Johnny_Boy_ |
7/18/10 |
7/21/10 |
Moun10Bike |
7/25/10 |
8/1/10 |
AndrewRJ |
11/6/10 |
11/21/10 |
rakis2 |
09/17/12 |
09/18/12 |
lostinwashington |
11/23/12 |
01/01/13 |
B+L |
02/03/13 |
03/17/13 |
The Jester |
02/20/13 |
(05/03/07) |
lamoracke |
03/17/13 |
04/11/13 |
benandjayme |
06/15/13 |
06/17/13 |
rambudo |
07/17/13 |
12/14/13 |
M&M |
10/23/13 |
12/07/13 |
Curious Joe |
06/27/14 |
08/13/14 |
Baddog_777 |
11/22/14 |
11/24/14 |
scooternerd |
06/14/15 |
07/04/15 |
crs98 |
12/29/15 |
04/24/16 |
Frisky Biscuits |
07/18/16 |
09/23/16 |
obarshay |
06/09/17 |
06/12/17 |
gsbarnes |
09/09/17 |
09/09/17 |
Qaz&Kids |
07/01/18 |
Rock Chalk |
05/04/19 |
09/06/19 |
Cool Cow Cachers |
07/25/20 |
08/22/20 |
mmcash |
09/27/20 |
09/27/20 |
go.warcat |
10/10/20 |
10/12/20 |
PhatBldGuy |
04/16/21 |
jtcoffee |
05/09/21 |
08/16/21 |
binnon |
08/26/21 |
08/28/21 |
Cachers working the Challenge:
Update as of 1/4/2022
Alpha Sort |
Numeric Sort |
Name |
Found/Owned |
Name |
Found/Owned |
_Shaddow_ |
13 |
jim and jan |
25 |
2 leep |
11 |
Leon0112 |
25 |
2nd1of3 |
6 |
TheLimeCat |
25 |
4cools |
1 |
runhills |
24 |
blindleader |
14 |
Team Noltex |
24 |
Blue Power Ranger |
1 |
type2bill |
23 |
Boonie-Medic |
10 |
boshea |
22 |
boshea |
22 |
BWelcker |
22 |
Brasstax |
14 |
frisbee'r |
22 |
Bull Moose |
1 |
philgeorge1 |
22 |
BWelcker |
22 |
magtangle |
21 |
cache ahead |
19 |
paisleykmt |
21 |
19 |
PippiLongstockings |
21 |
cachenscary |
17 |
dugfresh |
20 |
cbagaason |
15 |
cache ahead |
19 |
Corvettekent |
15 |
19 |
cougarcach24 |
8 |
EraSeek |
19 |
crouchcrew |
15 |
cachenscary |
17 |
Douglas_Clan |
5 |
Winos_Seattle |
17 |
dsvaughn |
10 |
jjfeiler |
16 |
dugfresh |
20 |
SpockProf |
16 |
EraSeek |
19 |
Tubatad |
16 |
EveningKiss |
14 |
cbagaason |
15 |
ferguam |
12 |
Corvettekent |
15 |
FluteFace |
3 |
crouchcrew |
15 |
frisbee'r |
22 |
gearguru |
15 |
fritts22 |
2 |
blindleader |
14 |
FunnyNose |
8 |
Brasstax |
14 |
gearguru |
15 |
EveningKiss |
14 |
GeoBroke |
2 |
Libertyfan |
14 |
GO West |
13 |
nolenator |
14 |
Go-pher-It |
11 |
scareway |
14 |
Hagz D Pirate |
4 |
_Shaddow_ |
13 |
Highpointer |
7 |
GO West |
13 |
ImLuckiest |
7 |
rockitbiker |
13 |
jim and jan |
25 |
ferguam |
12 |
jjfeiler |
16 |
LindaLu |
12 |
kennelbarb |
9 |
Sol seaker |
12 |
klien |
3 |
2 leep |
11 |
LegoRanger |
6 |
Go-pher-It |
11 |
Leon0112 |
25 |
mc3cats |
11 |
LFLibrarian |
10 |
StephenTravels |
11 |
Libertyfan |
14 |
Boonie-Medic |
10 |
LindaLu |
12 |
dsvaughn |
10 |
Lizzy |
1 |
LFLibrarian |
10 |
magtangle |
21 |
kennelbarb |
9 |
mc3cats |
11 |
NW_Hokies |
9 |
melicious |
7 |
Princess Trouble |
9 |
mikedawg360 |
7 |
shiwapema |
9 |
misenar |
5 |
WatchDOGSMike |
9 |
mizdirection |
3 |
cougarcach24 |
8 |
mnerv |
3 |
FunnyNose |
8 |
monsterbox |
8 |
monsterbox |
8 |
mountainmann |
0 |
Og's outfit |
8 |
naj3 |
6 |
PNWbrat |
8 |
nolenator |
14 |
shematt145 |
8 |
nw climber |
4 |
The Mercury Project |
8 |
NW Wolf Pack |
2 |
Highpointer |
7 |
NW_Hokies |
9 |
ImLuckiest |
7 |
Og's outfit |
8 |
melicious |
7 |
paisleykmt |
21 |
mikedawg360 |
7 |
PaneledZero |
7 |
PaneledZero |
7 |
Peach&Pete |
5 |
2nd1of3 |
6 |
Perky |
3 |
LegoRanger |
6 |
philgeorge1 |
22 |
naj3 |
6 |
PippiLongstockings |
21 |
Sugar Glider Sweatshop |
6 |
PNWbrat |
8 |
swaninwa |
6 |
Princess Trouble |
9 |
SweetSassyPants |
6 |
rockitbiker |
13 |
Douglas_Clan |
5 |
runhills |
24 |
misenar |
5 |
scareway |
14 |
Peach&Pete |
5 |
shematt145 |
8 |
Terpnurse |
5 |
shiwapema |
9 |
5 |
slinger91 |
2 |
Hagz D Pirate |
4 |
Snowwolf75 |
3 |
nw climber |
4 |
Sol seaker |
12 |
Team GlacierGlider |
4 |
SpockProf |
16 |
FluteFace |
3 |
StephenTravels |
11 |
klien |
3 |
Sugar Glider Sweatshop |
6 |
mizdirection |
3 |
swaninwa |
6 |
mnerv |
3 |
SweetSassyPants |
6 |
Perky |
3 |
Team GlacierGlider |
4 |
Snowwolf75 |
3 |
Team Noltex |
24 |
fritts22 |
2 |
Terpnurse |
5 |
GeoBroke |
2 |
The Mercury Project |
8 |
NW Wolf Pack |
2 |
TheLimeCat |
25 |
slinger91 |
2 |
Tubatad |
16 |
Wheelers of Fortune |
2 |
type2bill |
23 |
4cools |
1 |
WatchDOGSMike |
9 |
Blue Power Ranger |
1 |
Wheelers of Fortune |
2 |
Bull Moose |
1 |
Winos_Seattle |
17 |
Lizzy |
1 |
5 |
mountainmann |
0 |
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)