Panoramaticky vyhlad na obrovsky meander rieky
Vah na jej strednom toku. Vybudovanim Nosickej
priehrady sa hladina rieky dvihla a tak je dnes udolie
naplnene ohromnymi masami vody. Do 8 km dlhej a 1 km sirokej nadrze
sa jej zmesti 24 mil. kubickych metrov. Z vyhladoveho budu vidno
tiez vrcholy Javornikov, Strazovskych vrchov, mesto Puchov a ine
mensie sidla.
Trasa vedie z Nimnickych kupelov (N49°
07.757' E18° 22.357') po modrej
turistickej znacke.
Pred turou i po nej sa mozete obcerstvit vynikajucou
mineralkou na N49° 07.693' E18° 22.258' N
49° 07.879 E 018° 22.479
Skrysa lezi len par metrov od turistickeho chodnika, ale
najkratsia cesta k nej nie je zrovna najprijemnejsia.
Panoramic view at the big meander of the Vah
river. The level of the river has risen after constructing the
Nosice-dam and today the valley is full of huge
mass of water. Inside the 8 km long and 1 km wide dam there is 24
mil. cubic meters of water. You can see the peaks of Javorniky,
Strazovske mountains, city of Puchov and other smaller
The route is from Nimnicke kupele (spa)
(N49° 07.757' E18° 22.357') - follow the
blue hiking trail.
Have a cup of fresh mineral water before and/or
after the trip at N49° 07.693' E18° 22.258' N 49°
07.879 E 018° 22.479.
The cache is just few meters from the path, but the shortest
route is not always the most convenient.