Mohyla / Tumulus Traditional Cache
minehava: Bohuzel se ted do okoli kesky delsi cas nedostaneme, proto ji musím archivovat. Ozvete se, pokud ji chcete adoptovat.
Size:  (small)
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Bohužel se mi nepovedlo zjistit puvod mohyly, která stojí uprostred lesa.
Je to 5 metru vysoký holý hlinený kopec se základnou 10 metru, na nemž rostly statné stromy (padly pri polomech v roce 2007).
Unfortunatelly I didn't found the historic origin of this tumulus, what stands in middle forest.
It is 5 meters high bare mound with base 10 meters, where sturdy trees growed (got down during wind storm in 2007).
Additional Hints
[CZ] iryxl fgebz, znyl bgibe i xberarpu nxbeng ceb ehxh, fnuabhg uyhobxb
[EN] ovt gerr, fznyy ubyr va ebbgf whfg sbe unaq, qrrc ernpu bhg