History of miller work
The oldest grain handy grinders came from 13th century A.D. step by step they alternating to cylindrical grinding, it first convertible, later continuous .In Middle Ages were handy mills through entire Europe a they were parts of almost every home. Initial handy drives small millstones were driven by animals in Antics, later by natural power/ water {in 2.nd century B.C.} and air {in China n 7th century B.C.} In Antics there was usually mills {rove by horses, in Pompey there is well-preserved whole range these mills as apart of bakery. On our territory they occurs generally. In 15th century there are 1434 mills drove by horses only in Bratislava. Windmills were generous mainly around Bratislava and Nitra. Water mills are mentioned in 12th century Byzantine initial and expanded mainly in 17th century- the oldest display of it is Bratislava engraving from 1595. The biggest meridian these mills became in 19th century and on start of 20th century, mainly on our two biggest rivers- Dunaj and Vah. There were settlements of these watermills -shipboard mills. Despite the fact, that shipboard mills bordered Dunaj waterside, they must give ground to new mode on this great river, which mainly in second half of 20th century altered to frequent thoroughfare and request to observe strict safety regulations.