Simone Multi-Cache
Size:  (regular)
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At initial point find the table with yellow mark which will send you to a „cross“ 30 minutes away. When you reach the „cross", sign in the mountain book and if you see Tatras, share a picture with us.
Aim the co-ordinates of the „cross“ and look for the cache itself.
All of the following indications should resist the time and the vandals:
If the cross is:
metal ... a = 157
wooden ... a = 57
If the cross is held in the ground by:
2 metal „I“s ...b = 466
4 metal „I“s ...b = 46
1 metal „I“s ... b = 66
If there is TP on the peak ............c = 454
no TP ........... c = 45
If „I“ is held by:
1 screw ... d = 9
2 screws ... d = 999
3 screws ... d = 99
4 screws ... d = 9999
To the decimal part of the minutes of co-ordinates N for the "cross" add:
2 * a + b – d + c - 380
To the decimal part of the minutes of co-ordinates E for the "cross" add:
a + b – d / 9 – c
Cache is not burried, so don’t throw away the stones, just open the little stony doors.
Na vychodzom mieste najdi tabulku so zltou znackou, ktora ta posle na "kriz" vzdialeny 30 minut. Az "kriz" dosiahnes do vrcholovej knihy sa zapis a ak Tatry uvidis, o foto sa s nami podel.
Zameraj suradnice pre "kriz" a samotnu cache hladaj.
Vsetky nasledujuce indicie by casu aj vandalom odolat mali:
Ak kriz je:
zelezny ... a = 157
dreveny ... a = 57
Ak kriz v zemi drzia:
2 kovove I-cka ...b = 466
4 kovove I-cka ...b = 46
1 kovove I-cko ... b = 66
Ak na vrchole:
je TP (na betónovom stĺpiku) ............c = 454
nie je TP ........... c = 45
Ak je I-cko prichytene:
1 skrutkou ... d = 9
2 skrutkami ... d = 999
3 skrutkami ... d = 99
4 skrutkami ... d = 9999
K desatinnej casti minut suradnice N pre "kriz" pripocitaj:
2 * a + b – d + c - 380
K desatinnej casti minut suradnice E pre "kriz" pripocitaj:
a + b – d / 9 – c
Cache nie je zakopana, takze kamene nerozhadzuj, len kamenne dvierka otvor.
/Podľa predpisov v Národnej prírodnej rezervácii Šimonka nie je možné založiť cache. Preto je umiestnená mimo rezervácie. Po výpočte ju nájdete na južnej strane pod Šimonkou, po žltej značke./
Additional Hints
Vs lbh frr gur uvturfg OVT ebpx 2 zrgerf nurnq bs lbh fyvtugyl ba gur yrsg naq n gerr yvxr n na bpgbchf rapvepyvat n uhtr ebpx 2 zrgerf nurnq bs lbh fyvtugyl ba gur evtug, or njner gung gur pnpur vf ylvat 1 zrgre nurnq bs lbh.
Nx hivqvf ib imqvnyrabfgv 2 zrger cerq frobh zvrear anynib anwilffvr cbybmral OVT onyina n ib imqvnyrabfgv 2 zrger cerq frobh zvrear ancenib fgebz nxb pubobgavph bobcvanwhph iryxh fxnyh irqm, mr pnpur 1 zrgre cerq grobh yrmv.