New cache
container and coordinates posted on July 29,
The Ladybug
Kids routinely use this portion of the bicycle trail system as
a connector between the Johansen Expressway and Airport
Way. If you travel more of the trail than you will see
visiting this cache you will be rewarded with views of
Noyes Slough, ponds with wildlife, Dog
Mushers' Hall, Ballaine Lake, and the University
of Alaska Fairbanks. This section of
the bike path is particularly scenic because it parallels the
Chena River from downtown Fairbanks to Pioneer Park. Ride with
an eye toward the riverbank in late July and August and you
might get to sample some raspberries. Pause at one of
the many river viewing locations during July through September
and you could see a salmon roll at the surface on its way to
spawn. Rainbow trout and grayling may also be caught in
the river, but be sure to obtain a sport fishing license
and review the current regulations
for closures and bag limits before
wetting a line.
This is a multi-use
path. In the summer, the path is frequented by bicyclists,
runners, baby joggers, dog walkers, and rollerbladers.
In the winter, the trails are used by bicyclists (even down to -40°
F/C), runners, walkers, and skiers. Due to Fairbanks' long
cold winters, many sections of the bike trails have been frost
heaved, making a mountain or hybrid bicycle the most practical
means of two-wheeled transportation.
The new cache containter is
a candy tin and contains a log book and a few small trade items
along a new travel bug. If your feet leave the deck of the bridge,
you are looking too hard.
Be sure to record the
mystery cache code word from the title block of the cache log sheet
. You will need the code word to find an upcoming bonus
mystery cache.
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