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WASL: 10th Grade Science Mystery Cache

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Hidden : 5/1/2005
2.5 out of 5
3 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

Part of the now-defunct WASL Series. Although the code won't get you anything now, this is still a worthwhile trek.

The cache is not at the posted coordinates!

Welcome to the 10th grade WASL. Although the State of Washington will not require passage of the 10th grade WASL to graduate until 2008, this school district requires it now!

This is the 10th grade science WASL. You will need to answer the following actual questions correctly in order to pass. Once you pass all portions of the WASL, you can graduate.

REMEMBER to note the code found in the cache - you will need it in order to graduate.

Note: There has been frequent bear activity reported in the vicinity of this cache (see various logs). I believe the area is safe, but if you attempt this cache, please make sure you brush up on your bear-encounter etiquette before going, and remember that cache seekers assume all risks.

Super Grow Fertilizer

For their science project, Elena and Glen decided to test the effectiveness of a new fertilizer, Super Grow. The manufacturer of the fertilizer claims Super Grow contains ammonium nitrate (NH4N03) and will shorten the amount of time required to produce mature, pod-bearing plants from seeds. The manufacturer claims the plants treated with Super Grow will be mature in half the normal time and is environmentally safe.

Elena and Glen choose to test Super Grow on pea seeds. They performed the following investigation.


How will Super Grow affect the germination of pea seeds and the growth of pea plants?


More pea seeds will germinate and the pea plants will grow faster with Super Grow because the seeds and plants will have extra nutrients.


  • two containers labeled #1 and #2

  • pea seeds, all the same type

  • soil mix

  • Super Grow fertilizer

  • thermometer

  • water


  1. Put equal amounts of soil mix in containers #1 and #2.

  2. Add Super Grow fertilizer to the soil mix in container #2 in a concentration recommended by the manufacturer.

  3. Plant 15 pea seeds in each container.

  4. Water each container equally every day.

  5. Be sure each container gets the same amount of light and stays at a temperature of 20°C.

  6. Record the number of pea seeds that germinate.

  7. Record the time (number of days) for the pea plants to mature.


Pea Seed and Pea Plant Data


Pea Seeds

that Germinated (number)

Time for Pea Plants to Mature (days)

#1: soil only



#2 soil with Super Grow



 1   Is the investigation a fair test of their question? 

  1.       No, the investigation used only pea seeds.

  2.       Yes, because the data support the hypothesis.

  3.       Yes, the investigation included an experimental control condition.

  4.       No, because the same number of seedlings did not grow to mature, pod-bearing plants.

 2  In the investigation, more seed germinated in the container not treated with Super Grow. Does this mean that Super Grow is bad for plants? 

  1.       Yes, because one less seed germinated.

  2.       No, because a small experimental error is expected.

  3.       No, because Super Grow was tested by the manufacturer.

  4.       Yes, because all of the seeds in Super Grow did not germinate.

 3   In the investigation, which variable was manipulated (changed)? 

  1.       Temperature of the room

  2.       Time for plants to mature

  3.       Number of pea seeds used

  4.       Presence of Super Grow

The cache coordinates are at:

47 ([2]X2)[3].([1]+[2])([2]X4)([1]-[2])
121 ([1]+2)([3]-[1]).[3]([1]+[3])([3]+3)

[x] = your answer to the numbered question above, converted to a number, where A=1, B=2, etc.

The cache is a decon container. Bring your own pen.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[Hint:] Qvq vg rkcybqr? Fghzc bs zlfgrel [Spoiler:] Sebag evtug "cebat", va n erprff ng jnvfg yriry

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)