Paradise Park Multi-Cache
Nui tutu: Time to retire this one.
Size:  (micro)
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This little park has a brand new play area for kids, creekside trails, a softball field and an exercise warm-up court. The given coordinates get you to the parking lot where you begin to solve the puzzle. The solution will take you to a Morgan Hill landmark, about 2 miles north.
The puzzle to be solved:
N 37 degrees XY.XEY'
W BDB degrees 39.CDC'
The new playground is meant for children aged A to 12.
Number of handicap parking spaces in lot = B.
Number of picnic tables near playground = C.
Number of springy animals = D.
A + D = E.
Total number parking spaces in lot, minus 3 = F.
F minus D = G.
G minus E = X.
E + B = Y.
A + B = Z.
The new coordinates get you to the landmark. Visit, if you can, during open hours, Fridays noon-3; Sat. 10-1. This is a micro so be sure to bring your own pen or pencil. The cache container is a film canister so only very small trade items fit. Enjoy!
Additional Hints
N funql fcbg.