Avenues, Boulevards & Thoroughfares # 4 Multi-Cache
Avenues, Boulevards & Thoroughfares # 4
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This is the fourth cache of a series that will take you down along a variety of Roads, Lanes, Streets, Highways, Avenues, Boulevards & Thoroughfares. These roads may be of interest for one of many reasons but the only way to find out the reason for this one is to get out and take a gander.
To begin, take a drive to the listed co-ordinates. You should be at a T-Junction on a major road. The boulevard for this cache is the road that branches off the major road towards the north.
What sort of is this place that people should want to give their houses names? They must be a special breed indeed. To find this cache, you will need to find the street numbers of ten of the named houses. The houses are listed in no particular order, so you will need to keep a close eye out for their names. Driving this one will make it much harder and if you do, you'll miss the chance to take a nice walk and admire the area. This cache is not recommended to attempt at night as the locals may not appreciate people wandering their street looking at their houses with a torch. Oh, and by the way. When you get to the other end, don't forget to have something handy to wipe your mouth. You've probably been drooling.
What are the street numbers of the following houses?
Cantala = AB
Carne = CD
Coorumbene = EF
High Branches = GH
Ivy House = JK
Mowbray = LM
Sunny Fjord = NP
Swedish Church = QR
The Lodge = S
Vellenoweth = TU
Now use the information gained from the above to substitute for the letters in the following co-ordinates.
S37° (J+A)B.N(L+M)D
E145° (T-G)(K+U).EC(S+Q)
The cache is a 35mm film canister. Please ensure the cache is well hidden on replacement. After signing the log, enjoy the walk back to the car and let us know which house is should be your next geo-home.
Which Street will be the next to be highlighted? Look out for "Avenues, Boulevards & Thoroughfares # 5". Coming soon to a street near you.
Additional Hints
Ybbx ybj ba uvtu