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MÜPS 4 Mystery Cache

Hidden : 8/26/2024
3.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:


Märkimisväärsed Ühistranspordi Peatused ja Sõiduplaanid on väike tribuut tänamaks imelist ühistranspordisüsteemi, mis Eestis ning eriti Harjumaal opereerib, ning spetsiifiliselt tutvustab see, noh, MÜPS :). Jah, nagu kiuste on pea iga buss, kuhu ise oleks vaja minna paar minutit hilinev, kuid siiski jõuab iga buss enam-vähem usaldusväärselt kohale ning eriti tänu Põhja-Eesti Ühistranspordikeskusele on võimalik geopeituritel, kes ei saa/ei soovi autot kasutada avastada imelisi kohti üle terve Harjumaa. Ning Tallinna siseselt saab alatihti ühest punktist teise maksimaalselt tunniga.

Nii, seekord on huvialas trammid. Maailma esimene reisijatele mõeldud trammiliin avati Walesis 1804. aastal. Tallinna trammiliiklus avati 12. augustil 1888. See oli hobutramm ehk konka ja esimene liin ulatus Vanaturu kaelast Kadriorgu. Juba septembris avati teine trammiliin mööda Tartu Maanteed kuni Turu tänavani. 1915. aastal avati laiarööpmeline (1524 mm ehk 5 jalga) Kopli–Telliskivi trammiliin. See ehitati ülejäänud linnaga sarnaselt kitsarööpmeliseks 1931., pikendati Balti jaamani 1932. ning ühendati teiste Tallinna liinidega alles 1953. aastal. 13. mail 1921 avati Tallinnas elektritrammiliiklus. 2024. aasta seisuga on Tallinnas 5 trammiliini.

Teie ülesandeks on leida terve Tallinna trammivõrgustiku keskpunkt ning sealt tõmmata mõtteline joon nullini. Aare asub selle joone keskpunktis. Äärmuspunktideks kasutage peatuseid.





Remarkable Public Transport Stops and Routes is a small tribute to thank the wonderful public transport system in Estonia and especially Harjumaa, specifically it's designed to show, well, RPTSR :). Of course, it seems like every bus you'd need to get on is 2-3 minutes late, but still every bus more or less reliably makes it to every stop and destination and especially thanks to the Northern-Estonian Public Transport Centre, geocachers, who can't/don't want to commute by car, can explore a whole bunch of interesting areas in Harjumaa. And within Tallinn, you can almost always take two random points and guarantee, that you can make it from one point to the other in, at worst, just an hour.

So, this time it's trams. The world's first passenger tramway opened in Wales in 1804. Tram services in Tallinn opened on 12 August 1888. It was a horse-drawn tram, also known as a 'konka', and the first line ran from the Vanaturu Neck to Kadriorg. Already in September, a second tram line opened along Tartu Highway as far as Turu Street. In 1915, a wide-gauge (1524 mm or 5 feet) tram line was opened between Kopli and Telliskivi. It was built as narrow-gauge, similar to the rest of the city, in 1931, extended to the Baltic station in 1932 and connected to the other Tallinn lines only in 1953. On 13 May 1921, electric tram services were opened in Tallinn. As of 2024, Tallinn has 5 tram lines.

Your task is to find the centre point of the entire tram network in Tallinn and draw an imaginary line from there to zero. Cache is located at the centre of this line. Use the stops as the vertices.


Additional Hints (Decrypt)


Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)