FAKE buildings in Vukovar !? Multi-Cache
FAKE buildings in Vukovar !?
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Lažne zgrade su građevine koje koriste urbanu kamuflažu kako bi prikrile opremu i objekte javne infrastrukture koje ljudi mogu smatrati estetski neprivlačnima u neindustrijskoj okolini. Ove zgrade se često nalaze u gradovima i urbanim sredinama, gdje im je cilj uklapanje u arhitekturu te prikrivanje postrojenja ili opreme. Mnoge građane ovo će odmah asocirati na različite teorije zavjere i tajne službe, no istina je (uglavnom) drukčija. Neki od primjera su njujorške zgrade koje su zapravo prikrivena trafostanica i ventilacijski sustav za podzemnu željeznicu.
Postoje li u Vukovaru zaista ovakve građevine? Ovaj kratki multi će vas provesti kroz sami centar grada, no uz to će vam pokazati i dvije (ili tri? ) vukovarske zgrade koje baš i nisu ono za što se predstavljaju. Stavite na glavu svoje aluminijske kape i uživajte uz pokoju lovačku priču.
Fake buildings are structures that use urban camouflage to conceal equipment and public infrastructure objects that people may consider aesthetically unappealing in a non-industrial setting. These buildings are commonly found in residential towns and cities, where they are intended to blend in with the surrounding architecture and conceal industrial equipment. Many citizens will immediately associate this with various conspiracy theories and secret services, but the truth is (mostly) different. Some examples include buildings in New York City that are actually disguised power conversion substations or ventilation systems for the subway.
Is it really possible to find buildings like these in Vukovar? This short multi will take you through the heart of the town, but it will also show you two (or three? ) buildings in Vukovar that are not exactly what they are supposed to be. Put on your tinfoil hats and enjoy a few tall tales.
Vodotoranj u kojem već 80 godina nema ni kapi vode? Možda je unutra zapravo prikrivena pumpna stanica naftovoda?
Prava istina leži u tome što je ova zgrada s razvojem tehnologije zapravo izgubila svoju izvornu svrhu (pohrana vode za gašenje požara i čišćenje ulica). Osim toga, Vukovar je s vremenom dobio znatno veći (i planetarno poznati)
vodotoranj. No, premda je stari vodotoranj izgubio svoj infrastrukturni značaj, do danas ponosno stoji kao jedan od rijetkih primjera secesijskih građevina ovakvog tipa (iako ga ruglo od obližnjeg ex-Hotela Dunav pomalo stavlja u sjenu). Prava je šteta što ovaj zanimljivi toranj desetljećima zjapi potpuno prazan i bez ikakve namjene.
Broj prozora na tornju (ne računajući prozorčiće na vršnoj kupoli) = A
Broj slova J na ploči s nazivom izvođača radova (sa strane tornja prema rijeci Vuki) = B
Napomena: zadatak B se NE odnosi na turističku info pločicu na ulazu u toranj!
Water tower or hidden power?
A water tower that hasn't held a single drop of water in 80 years? Maybe it's actually a hidden power plant?
Surprisingly, the truth is different. With the development of technology, this building has actually lost its original purpose (storing water for firefighting and street cleaning). Moreover, Vukovar has over time gained a much larger (and world-famous)
water tower. However, although the old water tower has lost its infrastructural significance, it still stands proudly today as one of rare examples of Art Nouveau buildings of this type (although it is overshadowed by the eyesore of the nearby ex-Hotel Dunav). It's a real shame that this interesting tower has been empty and unused for decades.
Number of windows on the tower (excluding the very small windows on the apex/dome) = A
The quantity of letter J on the plaque with contractor info (on the side of the tower facing the Vuka River) = B
Note: task B does NOT refer to the tourist info plaque at the entrance to the tower!
Hotel za elite ili tajne satelite?
Ogroman hotel bez ijednog ležaja? K tome s velikom antenom na vrhu kupole?? Izgleda da je Đura Čvorović ipak bio u pravu.
Naravno, ova raskošna fasada ne skriva nikakve američke satelite, već zgrada jednostavno nije u potpunosti obnovljena od posljednjeg rata (tijekom kojeg je gotovo kompletno devastirana). Građevina je podignuta 1897. te je u početku u njoj bio smješten Grand Hotel, a kasnije je služila kao radnički dom, gradska kavana, knjižnica, kino… Pročelje zgrade je obnovljeno 2013. godine, no unutrašnjost je do današnjeg dana „goli beton“ te ova predivna građevina u samom centru grada zjapi prazna. Već se preko 20 godina spominje selidba gradske uprave u prostor Grand Hotela, no to zasad ostaje lovačka priča na razini većeg dijela ovog listinga.
Broj ljudskih glava na strani zgrade koja gleda prema starom vodotornju = C
Broj fasadnih lanterni s obje strane zgrade = D
Napomena: za C gledate samo jednu, a za D obje strane zgrade (onu koja gleda prema starom vodotornju, i onu koja gleda prema rijeci Vuki).
Grand hotel or petroleum well?
A huge hotel without a single bed? And with a large antenna on top of the dome?? It seems that The Balkan Spy was right after all! (For context, I whole-heartedly recommend this
masterpiece of Yugoslav cinematography.)
Of course, this lavish facade hides exactly zero CIA satellites (or hidden petroleum wells) – the building simply wasn't fully renovated after the last war (during which it was almost completely devastated). The building was erected in 1897 and initially housed the Grand Hotel, after which it served as a workers' home, a city cafe, a library, a cinema... The facade of the building was renovated in 2013, but the interior is still "bare concrete" and this beautiful building in the very center of Vukovar gapes empty. For over 20 years, there have been talks of turning the Grand Hotel into a town hall, but so far that remains a tall tale on par with those from this multi-cache listing.
Number of human heads on the side of the building facing the old water tower = C
Number of facade lanterns on both sides of the building = D
Note: for C look only at one side of the building, and for D look at both sides of the building (the one facing the old water tower, and the one facing the Vuka River).
Nečije boravište ili tajno skrovište?
Nakon snabdijevanja s potrebnim vrijednostima, sjednite na jednu od brojnih klupa ispred Grand Hotela i izračunajte finalne koordinate na temelju formule. Finale vas vodi do još jedne „lažne zgrade“, gdje vas čeka mala kutijica s logbookom i prostorom za nešto drangulija. Vodite računa o mugglerima. Sretno!
N 45° 21. (A+C) * D + (C+D-B)
E 019° 00. A * (B+C) + 2*B + 8*D
House for guests or hidden chests?
After gathering the necessary values, take a seat on one of the many benches in front of the Grand Hotel and calculate the final coordinates based on the formula above.
The final leads you to another "fake building", where you will find a small box with a logbook and some space for swag. Beware of muggles. Good luck!
Additional Hints
[HR] vmanq hynmn
[EN] nobir gur ragenapr