This series tells you a few stories about incredible or strange events in and around Kopstal. The sagas and legends are originally published in german. We try to show you the places where these stories could have taken place. The areas changed but the stories are still remaining.
Down on the listing you'll find the story, but to find the cache, you have first to solve the riddle.
There is a bad satellite reception around Kopstal, so be prepared for some meters off on your GPS.
To find the Bonus-cache, you have to solve all the riddles from (Chips '11) Sagas and Legends ( but we hope you will also read the fascinating stories ) and after this, you have to use the Geo-checker in order to discover the different hints (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N) you need to find the final coordinates.