This geocache is hidden on behalf of the 1st Cranbourne Scout Troop.
Scouting began in 1907 when founder Lord Baden Powell ran an experimental camp for around 20 boys and a number of adult leaders on Brownsea Island. They slept in tents, cooked their own food and learned various survival skills through games. The camp was a great success and lead the official launch in 1908 and quickly spread around the world and over the years has developed into a huge organisation with over 25 million members.
Adapting to the general changes in society, Australian Scouting admitted girls to its Venturer and Rover Sections in 1973, and to the Cub Scout and Scout Sections in 1988. When the Joey Scout Section commenced in 1990, girls and boys were both admitted.
Today, 1st Cranbourne Group includes Sections:
Joey Mob (6-7 years) (not currently operating)
Cub Pack (8-10 years)
Scout Troop (10-14 years)
Venturer Unit (14-17 years)
Visit if you would like further information.
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With kids and family in mind, this is a fairly easy find.
You are looking for a Mega Bison container which holds a log book and pen.
We have also placed a special Scout Geocoin in the container which FTF can take it to start its long journey. Our goal is for the geocoin to find its way to 1st Fish Hoek scout troop in South Africa.