Part 3 of the Catastrophe, Calamity, Cataclysm multi cache. In 1066 this country was crushed by the Norman oppressors. Disaster enough! But to add insult to injury William the Conqueror built this huge symbol to keep the rebellious Londoners down. Over the years many rebellions and traitors have come to grief here. This part of the structure is especially associated with them.
There is small sign on the wall which states when this part of the building was completed. You also need to find the name of this gate which has 12 letters (two words), which you need to make a note of. Enter the number here:
To obtain "H" take C from D
To claim this as a find, please post (NOT EMAIL as it fills my inbox) a photo of EACH PERSON LOGGING (within 24 hours - if you can't upload a picture when you are logging, then please don't log till you can or post a note in the meantime) with you and your GPSr showing the gate, (not Tower Bridge) (WITHOUT REVEALING ANY OF THE ANSWERS) AND using the below answers, send a blank email to (eg if you found the gate to be "niceoldplace" and the date was "1666" then use the email address Make sure you include your caching name (eg rodz) as the subject of the mail or your log may be deleted. You will receive a confirmation email (make sure you check your spam folder for a reply too) almost instantly if your answers are correct, at which time you may log your find.