Some items to consider about this GeoArt series: bring plenty of water. Always. Water, water, water. Also, gas up. Nearest gas stations are the Sidewinder Shell Station, approximately 30 miles to the south and the town of Blythe is located approximately 40 miles to the north.
Also, note that most of the caches in this series are physically located along Ogilby Rd. There is plenty of room to pull over and find your cache, but watch out for traffic. One leg of the series is located on a rough dirt road that will require a 4-wheel drive vehicle due to some loose sand areas and a high clearance due to some small drop-offs. A small leg of the series is not accessible very easily via vehicle, so be prepared to hike for approximately 1 mile. DO NOT make your own roads. Stay on the roads that are existing, and walk when you need to.
Practice Cache In, Trash Out! Leave no trace of your journey behind! Leave the desert as you found it! Most of all, have fun!
No, it isn't a ballerina. This geo-art is a Fire Dancer. It is the symbol for my favorite band, the Dave Matthews Band. The story goes that some years ago, when the band was developing a logo to sell merchandise, Dave Matthews was asked to draw what he saw when he looked out into the audience. The Fire Dancer represents Dave's vision of people dancing in the audience, moving cathartically and just cutting loose. So, while you're out here in the desert, jam to some music and cut loose yourself.
To find the final coordinates, simply find the next word in this lyric to Sleep to Dream Her: "She stares up at the _____ when, the _____ fell from her hair then, I bent down to collect them, and then she was gone."
You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.