Blizu zakladka je kar nekaj zanimivosti, Kapela, grad Grm, pogled na revoz...
Kapela božjega groba
Kapela stoji na izpostavljeni legi vrh najvišjega dela grmskega griča in sodi v kompleks grmskega gradu. Kapela je bila pozidana v začetku 18. stoletja Razdeljena je na dva dela: vzhodni, prvotni del, je božji grob, k njemu je prislonjena v tlorisu oktogonalna arhitektura mavzoleja družine Mordax. Oktogon je obokan s kupolo. Kapela je imela kvalitetno baročno opremo, ki je zaradi potreb sedanjega lastnika odstranjena.
Grad Grm
Grad Grm je dal leta 1586 pozidati Krištof Mordax. Prvotni, najstarejši del poslopja je kvadraten stolp in desno od njega prvotno pritličen trakt. Zaradi takrat še žive turške nevarnosti je imel stolp poleg stanovanjske tudi opazovalno in obrambno funkcijo. Prvo večjo spremembo je grad doživel leta 1636, ko ga je po Krištofovi smrti prevzel njegov sin Hans Andreas. Njega je nasledil sin Wolfgang, ki je najbolj spremenil podobo gradu: pozidan je bil severni trakt levo od stolpa in oba stranska trakta. Grad je tako dobil v tlorisu pravokotno obliko z osrednjim dvoriščem, ki ga obdajajo trakti z arkadnimi hodniki v pritličju in nadstropju. V nadstropju so se trakti povezali v enako oblikovano stanovanjsko celoto; južno stranico četverokotnika je zapiral visok kamnit zid.
V začetku 18. stoletja je bil zasnovan grajski park, ki je povezal arhitekturo objekta z mavzolejem družine Mordax na bližnjem griču. Utrdbeno zasnovana arhitektura se je odprla in povezala z okoljem. Grad je izgubil prvotno trdnjavsko podobo in obrambno funkcijo. Postal je odličen primer poznorenesančne oziroma zgodnjebaročne arhitekture in se spremenil v udobno in razkošno domovanje tedanjih lastnikov.
Valvasor omenja, da je imel grad bogato poslikane prostore. V celoti se je ohranila le poslikava v osrednji dvorani grajskega stolpa. Strop dvorane je poslikan z vojaškimi prizori, ki so okvirjeni z bogato členjenimi štukaturnimi okvirji.
Podobo, ki jo je grad dobil v 18. stoletju, je ohranil vse do 19. stoletja. Takrat so zid na južni strani nadomestili z zidanim nadstropnim traktom. V osemdesetih letih 19. stoletja, ko se je v grad preselila kmetijska šola, je poslopje doživelo zadnje predelave, ki so žal uničile njegovo kvalitetno poznorenesančno oziroma zgodnjebaročno podobo. Zazidani so bili arkadni hodniki v pritličju in nadstropju, velike sobane so bile predeljene na več manjših prostorov, prebeljena je bila dekorativna stenska poslikava, ponekod celo odbit omet s poslikavo. Uničen oziroma predelan je bil grajski park in spremenjeno okolje gradu.
The Chapel of The Holy Tomb
The chapel is dominantly situated on the top of the hill of Grm and is a component building of the Castle of Grm complex. It was built in the early 18th century and divided into two parts: the original Eastern part represents the Holy Tomb with an adjoining octagonal mausoleum of the Mordax family. The octagon is surmounted by a dome. The chapel used to have beautiful Baroque furniture that has been removed to accommodate the needs of the present owner.
Castle Grm
The Grm Castle was built in 1586 by Krištof Mordax, its original structure being a square tower with a flanking single-storey wing on the right hand side. Its function has not been only residential, but also the observation and defence against the Turks. In 1636, after Krištof died, his son Hans Andreas and his grandson Wolfgang rebuilt the castle: the Northern wing on the left hand side of the tower as well as the two side wings of the castle have been added to the structure. The castle now maintains its rectangular shape and a central courtyard, surrounded by wings by arcade corridors both at the ground level as well as at the first floor. The wings come together in a single residential unity: the southern side of the rectangle is enclosed by a high stone wall.
In the early 18th century, the castle park was conceived, connecting the castle building to the Mordax family mausoleum on the flanking hill. In this way, an architecture of defence has opened up to its environment and lost its original function of a fortress. It has become an excellent example of a late Renaissance and early Baroque architecture, designed to be a comfortable and opulent residence of its masters.
Although Valvasor mentioned the castle to abound in frescoes, there is only the central hall fresco that remains in the castle tower. Its ceiling is painted with motives of battles, framed with opulent stucco frames.
The castle maintained its 18th century appearance until the 19th century when the southern wall was replaced by a residential wing. In the late 19th century, the castle was completely rebuilt to accommodate the needs of the Agricultural School, which also ruined its well-preserved late Renaissance and early Baroque architecture and interior design. Its arcade corridors were filled up with masonry in both the ground and the first floor, its large halls divided into smaller rooms, its ornamental murals repainted in white or destroyed and the concept of its park and the surroundings entirely destroyed.
The castle was declared a cultural monument of local importance by the Act of Declaration of Natural, Cultural and Historic Monuments in the Novo mesto Community.