Chirping about Murray Bridge Mystery Cache
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Chirping about Murray Bridge
Size:  (small)
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There seems to be a lot of new caches in this area, chirping about a proposed MEGA Event, which is planned for Murray Bridge in 2014.
Well, this cache also chirps about Murray Bridge, but does so in a different way.
There are two ways to complete this geocache.
The preferred option is to use a compatible GPS to detect a Garmin Chirp electronic beacon that has been hidden at the listed coordinates. It will beam the coordinates for the final geocache location straight to your GPS as a waypoint.
To do this, you'll need to make sure that your GPS is able to detect Garmin Chirp Geocaching Beacons, that it is running the required version of its firmware and that chirp searching has been turned on.
The other option is to treat the geocache as a standard multicache and solve the final location using the information on the sign at the cache location and the questions below.
Using this option, the final geocache is hidden at S 35° AB.EHI E 139° JK.LM5
Use the following answers from the sign at GZ to solve the co-ordinates.
Aboriginal people first arrived in Australia AB,000 years ago.
The new bridge for the railway line was constructed in 19CD E= C + D
The name Murray Bridge was gazetted in 19FG H=F x G
How many larger steel structures were there in Australia when the bridge was built = I
The bypass bridge was built in J9K9
The first bridge was completed in L8M9
Number of letters in the surname of the person who passed this spot on the 8th of February.
The final cache is a medium sized cache container, with a logbook, pen, and room for small swaps.
You'll probably want to use a motor vehicle to travel to get to the final cache location.
Additional Hints
Onfr bs Gerr