Rather than Archive Reel Basic it has been maintained as a Tutorial Geocache with the solution to the first part of the puzzle explained.
Part One: Once you have deciphered the following data, three locations and their distance from the Reel Basic cache can be determined.
The left-hand group of numbers are converted using Decimal to Base 36 to reveal the GC code for three traditional geocaches.
The right-hand group of characters are converted using Base 36 to Decimal to reveal the distance from the Reel Basic geocache in metres.
The original coordinates (No Longer Available) for the three traditional geocaches were found once the GC code had been deciphered.
The answers were:
Reel Loose Wheel GC206JV (Now Archived) was located at S 34 50.110 E 138 40.798 a distance of 2890 metres
The Reel Lion's Share GC1K4T2 (Now Moved) was originally located at S 34 51.415 E 138 40.444 a distance of 2930 metres
Reel Watch Dogs GC1C3GT (Now Moved) was originally located at S 34 50.270 E 138 37.156 a distance of 2740 metres
Use this Information: To Find the location where Reel Basic is hidden, a basic exercise in navigation by projecting the distances from the three traditional cache coordinates to where the projections intersect.
Or made easy when: Calculation #11 is used:
GeoCheck will show the correct coordinates if you are within +/- 30 metres.