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Zvony a zvonceky.. Traditional Cache

Hidden : 6/23/2013
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Geocache Description:

Zvonenie zvonov je ten okamih, ked kazdy na chvilu spomali svoj krok a zapocuva sa. Okrem beznych zvonov na kostolnych veziach, ktore sa rozoznievaju kazdy den, su tiez zvony, ktorych zvonenie pocuva cela krajina. Kazdy zo zvonov v listingu je niecim unikatny a ich zvonenie dava vsednemu dnu nadych vynimocnosti. A dnes je aj tvoj vynimocny den, lebo sa mozes vrhnut do lustenia umiestnenia krabicky.

Big Ben

Big Ben je prezyvka velkeho zvonu na hodinovej vezi na severnej strane Westminsterskeho palaca v Londyne. Tato veza sa oficialne vola Elizabeth Tower a je jednym z najznamejsich symbolov Londyna a Anglicka. Zvon vazi 13 ton a do veze bol umiestneny v roku 1859.

Liberty Bell

Je symbolom americkej nezavislosti. Nachadza sa vo Philadelphii. Zvon bol objednany v roku 1752 v Londyne a je na nom odliaty text z Kazatela: „Vyhlas slobodu cez celu zem a vsetkym obyvatelom.“ Zvon pukol, ked na nom prvykrat zvonili vo Philadelphii a miestni zvonari John Pass a John Stow ho potom na dvakrat nanovo odliali. Zvon sa pouzival na zvolavanie zakonodarcov na legislativne zasadania a upozornoval obyvatelov na verejne zhromazdenia a vyhlasenia. Posledny krat zaznel v roku 1846 na pocest narodenin Georga Washingtona.

Zvon Pummerin

Jeden z najvacsich zvonov v Europe. Povodny zvon bol odliaty v roku 1705 z 208 kanonov ukoristenych tureckym najazdnikom pocas druheho obliehania Viedne. Zvon je v severnej vezi Stephansdomu.

Zvon Zygmunt

Nachadza sa vo Wawelskej katedrale v Krakove. Zvon bol odliaty v roku 1520 zo zbrani vojakov porazenych polskou armadou. Vazi 13 ton a na jeho rozpohybovanie treba 12 zvonarov. Zvoni pocas specialnych prilezitosti, zvacsa pocas nabozenskych a narodnych sviatkov a povazuju ho za jeden z polskych narodnych symbolov.

Zvon Mingun

Najvacsi funkcny zvon sveta. Zvon vazii 90.55 metrickych ton. Nachadza sa v Mingune, Myanmar, byvala Barma.

Carsky zvon

Je vystaveny v moskovskom Kremli. Zvon bol odliaty z bronzu, pocas odlievania pukol a nikdy sa na nom nezvonilo. Je to najvacsi zvon na svete a vazi 216 ton, je vysoky 6 metrov a jeho priemer je 6,6 metra.


Ringing of bells is the moment when everybody slows down for a moment a listens. Besides common church bells that ring everyday, there are also bells that all country listens to when they ring. Each bell in the listing is unique and their ringing give an ordinary day a spice of extraordinary. And today is also your special day because you have a chance to solve the cache location.

Big Ben

Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, at the clock tower, officially named Elizabeth Tower. The tower has become one of the most prominent symbols of both London and England. The bell weighs 13 tons and was installed in 1859.

Liberty Bell

It is an iconic symbol of American independence, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The bell was commissioned by London company in 1752, and was cast with the lettering (part of Leviticus 25:10). "Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." It originally cracked when first rung after arrival in Philadelphia, and was twice recast by local workmen John Pass and John Stow. In its early years, the Liberty Bell was used to summon lawmakers to legislative sessions and to alert citizens to public meetings and proclamations. It was last heard in 1846 to honor George Washington's birthday.

Pummerin Bell

One of the biggest bells in Europe. It was originally cast in 1705 from 208 cannnons captured by Turkish invaders in the second siege of Vienna. It is located in the north tower of the St. Stephen's Cathedral at Stephansplatz in Vienna.

Zygmunt Bell

It can be found at the Wawel Cathedral in Krakow, Poland. The bell was cast in 1520 from metal melted from the weapons of soldiers defeated by Polish forces. It weighs 13 tons and requires 12 bell-ringers to swing it. It tolls on special occasions, mostly religious and national holidays, and is regarded as one of Poland's national symbols.

Tsar Bell

It is on display on the grounds of the Moscow Kremlin. Made of bronze, the bell was broken during casting and has never been rung. The bell is currently the largest bell in the world, weighing 216 tons, with a height of 6 metres and diameter of 6.6 metres.

Mingun Bell

The world's largest ringing bell. The bell weighs 90.55 metric tons. It is located in Mingun, Myanmar.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

muben / hc

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)