Someone I'll call "Anne" and I worked together on a major engineering project at a place sort of across the road from here. That was a long time ago and though we stay in contact we've both gone on to other jobs. Anne is now involved in designing and marketing cooking products, so as long as people want to eat there should be customers. Not all of us have a job like that!
UPDATED 7/20/2018 Cache replaced with camo’d spice jar, the original cache container may have fallen victim to tree trimmers. It’s still big enough for small items. The bush is big, but the cache is to be found chest high through a hole in the foliage. There is no need to bend over or crawl into anyplace dark to reach this cache. Note that there is no parking on Central Expressway, but legal public parking is nearby on Oakmead Village Ct.
Congratulations to oaknest for the FTF