Pueblo History Mystery II Mystery Cache
Pueblo History Mystery II
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The cache is not at the listed coordinates.
Hours for the Final are 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Hours for other waypoints may vary.
This puzzle is not all that difficult, as puzzles go, but it will take some time to complete.
To solve this puzzle, you will need to go to 8 different locations.You can do them in any order.
At each location you will need to get information from a sign or plaque to answer one or more questions.
For each location you will need to calculate a value, which will be designated A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H.
To do this, you will need to do some math--nothing more advanced than a bit of basic algebra.
Then substitute those values into the formulas N X° X' X.X" and W X° X' X.X" to get the actual coordinates of the cache.
It is up to you to figure out which X is A, which X is B, etc (Hint: the actual coordinates are about half a mile (atcf) from the listed coordinates.)
These formulas will give you the coordinates of the cache in DMS format (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds with 2 decimal places) ; you will probably want to convert that to DM (Degrees, Minutes with 3 decimal places) format and verify your answer in GeoCheck before you look for the cache.
A. N38° 18.176' W104° 36.581'
x = how many men are honored by this plaque?
y = how many years elapsed between the first and last honorees?
z = how many flags normally fly at this location?
x(y+z) = A
B. N38° 15.346' W104° 36.250'
In what year did the battalion arrive at this location?
Find the sum of the digits of that year (ex: 1987 would be 1+9+8+7 = 25)
Double your answer to get B.
C. N38° 15.822' W104° 35.523'
How many year after the log house located near here was occupied by Jacob Fowler and his men was Fountain City founded?
Answer = m
What was the occupation of the men who lived in that log house?
2. Outlaws
3. Miners
4. Missionaries
Number of answer = n
C = m-n
D. N38° 15.936' W104° 39.473'
In what year did Charles Goodnight establish his ranch headquarters here? Subtract 1830.
Answer = D
E. N38°14.631' W104° 37.218'
There are more than one plaque at this location; the information you need may be located on any or all of them.
How many years after the land conveyance from the Nolan heirs was the steel mill unionized?
Answer = p
How many years after Colorado became a state was Bessemer incorporated?
Answer = q
E = p-q
F. N38° 16.582' W104° 36.567'
On the plaques at this location: How many instances are there of two individuals with the same last name listed for World War II?
This number is s.
How many instances are there of two individuals with the same last name listed for the Viet Nam War?
This number is t.
F = s + (2 x t)
G. N38° 17.812' W104° 36.908'
The event that is memorialized by this monument occurred on what day in February 1898?
Answer = G
H. N38° 15.784' W104° 37.018'
How many railroads joined in building the Pueblo Union Depot?
Answer = u
The event which caused damage to the clock tower was:
1. Tornado
2. Lightning
3. Flood
4. Fire
Number of answer = v
H = u +(2 x v)
If you have trouble with any part of this puzzle, please email the Cache Owner for help.
Additional Hints
Pnpur unf irel fgebat zntargf; oevat n gbby gb cel vg ybbfr.