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Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Mystery Cache

This cache has been archived.

Marko Ramius: The cache owner is not responding to issues with this geocache, so I must regretfully archive it.

Please note that if geocaches are archived by a reviewer or Geocaching HQ for lack of maintenance, they are not eligible for unarchival.

Thank you for your understanding.

Marko Ramius
Volunteer Cache Reviewer

Hidden : 12/18/2010
2 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

This is the one you have been collection the numbers for!!

The cache is NOT at the posted coordinates but going to this location may help if you know the correct questions to ask. it is not necessary nor is required of you to go to this location. This is a challenge, a puzzle and a bonus cache all at the same time. Each cache we have hidden in this Christmas series has contained a number which will give you the numbers that give you the coordinates, you jsut have to put them in order. There is no hidden code, no matematical equation to solve, nothing to figure out just the order of the numbers In order to log this cache as "FOUND" you must complete the following: 1. Find,sign and log each cache in the Christmas series that we have hid 2. Determine the correct order to the coordinates of the final location 3. Go find and sign the log in the container for this geocache We will verify that you have posted a found log on each of the Christmas series. We have provided a coordinate checker for the final coordinates, or you may email us to comfirm the solution to the exact final coordinates if you are in the feild and unable to access the coordinate checker. we hope you have enjoyed this Christmas cache series I know we sure did and had lots of fun watching you fellow geocachers hunting for our caches, some you not even knowing we were there!....and it was nice to get to meet some of you too!! and we loved your logs

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

lbh jvyy arrq gbgf naq ybgf n unccl snprf sbe guvf pnpur!! Tebhaqfcrrx vf abg trg hf bhe abgvsvpngvbaf vs lbh arrq uryc jvgu pbbeqvangrf lbh pna pnyy hf gbb 951-543-7288 nfx sbe Nzl gurer vf n gbl pbagnvare va gur fnzr nern nf gur pnpur ohg gur ybt vf uvqqra va gur nphgny pnpur qba'g or sbbyrq ol gur pbangvnare vg'f whfg sbe fjnt

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)