L.O.S.T.: We thought we archived this in October when notified of the missing images. Unfortunately, we no longer have the images to update the description.
GC2K75A ▼
Size: (not chosen)
This cache is part of the L.O.S.T. 81 Challenge GC2H38W. Find all 81 caches (one for each D/T combination) and collect the code character from each. Use the codes to unlock the coordinates for the final challenge. FTF on the final gets 10 Unactivated Trackable Geo-items!
North 40 .
West 076 . Animated flag images by 3DFlags.com
Don't forget to write down the code character found in the log for this cache!
Visit our website lostcachers.com or our profile L.O.S.T. for more info on our group.
Congrats LastFermat on the FTF!
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