Snakes, why'd it have to be snakes!? Traditional Cache
Snakes, why'd it have to be snakes!?
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Near a "snake farm" off the Dunaway/I-8 Exit
Our first hide! We weren't sure if this is a real snake farm or what it is, but maybe someone out there can verify. We were going to make this a snake themed cache, but realize not a lot of people carry snake only stuff around with them :) Feel free to take pictures with the disposable camera and I will collect it from time to time and post the pictures
Original contents: Mini-keychain nerfgun, disposable camera for taking pictures of your group, logbook
Have fun and watch out for snakes! :P
Edit: Smart people spoiled the fun and told me there was a soil study being done on the side of the berm of the onramp :( 9/05/13
Additional Hints
Abegu bs srapr va ohfu